Improved Facial Appearance with a Facelift

As we age, our skin gradually begins to lose its elasticity. Instead of tight, youthful skin, we are left with loose, sagging skin in areas that may not be desirable. Many people experience loss of skin elasticity in areas such as the stomach and arms, but it becomes most noticeable when it happens in the chin and face.

Many people see our faces front and foremost before anything else, and we often look at ourselves in mirrors and selfies. Face lifts (rhytidectomy) and neck lifts are designed to help alleviate the signs of aging and the distress we may feel when looking in the mirror or at our photos. If you have ever pinched back loose skin in front of the mirror and enjoyed the results, it may be time to consider a surgical treatment.

Facelifts for Sagging Skin

Facelifts are performed to remove fatty deposits and remove excess or saggy skin on the face, neck, chin, and jowls. Facelifts will address the loose skin of the cheeks and the collection of sagging skin on the jawline known as jowls. The muscle layer of the face is tightened and the excess facial skin trimmed away leaving a younger appearance. A rhytidectomy can improve the appearance of the upper, middle and lower thirds of the face including the neck. Facelifts can be performed on individuals who are interested in improving the look of sagging or loose aging skin.

In addition, Dr. Reilly will also assess whether you are a good candidate for fat grafting to the face. Fat grafting is where small amounts of your own fat are injected into areas of the face that appear flattened or hollow due to the aging process. Dr. Reilly’s special technique developed over years of experience allows restoration of facial volume, which increases the appearance of a youthful face. These areas can include the cheeks, the sides of the upper lip known as the nasolabial folds, and below the corners of the lower lip known as the marionette lines. Dr. Reilly’s opinion is that the best outcomes are achieved when we focus not just on tight skin but on appropriate restoration or creation of facial contours and fullness that were lost over time or never present at all.

Is a facelift right for me?

A facelift, though it can improve the look of wrinkles, is not suggested for the treatment of fine lines, fine wrinkles, or damage to the skin from sun exposure. Other methods of treatment may be used to improve the look of the skin itself if a patient expresses concerns over their skin quality.

Some patients may only need to address the sagging skin of the neck and this can be improved through a procedure known as a neck lift. The thin layer of muscle under the loose skin is tightened and flattened and the extra skin is removed often through incisions behind the ear only and so visible scarring tends to be hidden.

Dr. Reilly will listen to your goals, examine your skin, and advise you if a face or neck lift is an appropriate option. Dr. Reilly will spend as much time with you as you need to have all your questions answered.

A More Youthful You

If you are interested in a facelift, neck lift, or both, your first step will be to schedule a consultation with Dr. Reilly. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Reilly today to get started on a new, more youthful looking you.

Learn more about facelift surgery from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Contact our office today to schedule your initial consult with Dr. Reilly for your facelift

Dr. Daniel Sterling

Meet Your Surgeon: Dr. Daniel Sterling

Dr. Sterling’s ongoing commitment to patient safety and satisfaction is evident in the personal attention and care he provides to each and every one of his patients.

Dr. Sterling treats patients from all over New England including the northernmost parts of Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire, as well as Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. He provides the entire spectrum of cosmetic surgery and is double board certified with both the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Learn More about Dr. Sterling