Spill it or Stay Quiet? How to talk to unsupportive friends and family about plastic surgery

The decision to schedule plastic surgery is a deeply personal one, no matter the motivation behind it, and rarely is it made lightly or in haste. In fact, most people spend considerable time weighing their options, researching surgeons, and talking to others who have undergone plastic surgery before they even schedule a consultation.

That’s why dealing with unsupportive friends or family can feel not only frustrating, but also hurtful. Your decision to disclose your plan for plastic surgery is entirely yours to make as the procedure and reasoning behind it is private. 

However, if you feel that the result or any requisite downtime will be too noticeable, go ahead and share your journey, but do so with the following tips in mind: 

Spend some time on self-reflection

Before discussing your decision with anyone, take some time to reflect on why you want plastic surgery. Ensure that your reasons are well-founded and not solely based on external pressure or unrealistic expectations. Understanding your motivations will help you explain your decision more clearly.

Be informed about your decision

Research the specific procedure you’re considering, including its risks, benefits, and potential outcomes. Having a thorough understanding of the procedure will make you more confident when discussing it with others.

Choose the right time and place

Pick a suitable time and place for the conversation where you can speak privately and without distractions. Avoid discussing sensitive topics during family gatherings or other stressful situations.

Encourage open communication

Start the conversation by expressing your desire to share something important with your friends or family. Use “I” statements to convey your feelings and thoughts, such as “I’ve been thinking about this for a while,” or “I want to discuss something that’s important to me.”

Explain your reasons objectively

Clearly and calmly explain why you want to undergo plastic surgery. Emphasize how it’s a personal decision aimed at improving your self-esteem or addressing a specific concern. Share any emotional or physical reasons that have led to your decision but keep the conversation neutral, if possible.

Be willing to address concerns and questions

Prepare yourself for questions and concerns from your friends and family. Try not to take any rational question or worry as an attack; people are bound to want to know more or understand the “why” behind your decision. Provide them with the information you’ve gathered about the procedure, its safety, and its potential benefits. Be open to discussing their concerns and address them respectfully.

Respect their opinions, even if you don’t agree with them

Remember that not everyone will agree with or support your decision, and that’s okay. Respect their right to have their own opinions and feelings about the matter. Avoid becoming defensive or confrontational, which can quickly shut down the conversation.

Establish clear boundaries

If the conversation becomes heated or unproductive, it’s okay to set boundaries and temporarily step away from the discussion. Reiterate that you value their input but that this is ultimately your decision. Don’t dwell on feelings of disappointment; remind yourself why you’re embarking on this journey and feel confident moving forward. 

Seek support elsewhere, like from trusted friends or colleagues

If your friends and family remain unsupportive, consider seeking support from other sources, such as a therapist, support groups, or friends who are more understanding of your decision. Your doctor might even be able to connect you with former patients who are willing to discuss their experience with you. 

Allow some time and space

Sometimes, people need time to process and accept your decision. They may come around after they’ve had a chance to reflect on the information you provided. Be patient and open to ongoing communication, while reminding yourself not to expect anything so as to avoid ongoing disappointment or frustration. 

Remember that the decision to undergo plastic surgery is a personal one, and you should prioritize your own well-being and happiness. While it’s important to consider the opinions of loved ones, your ultimate choice should be based on what’s best for you and your self-esteem.

Our team is happy to discuss all of this and more during your consultation. Contact us today to get on the calendar with Dr. Sterling or Dr. Reilly!

Categories: Tips


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