If you’re considering breast augmentation, you might have been cautioned about Mondor’s cords, also known as Mondor’s disease or thrombophlebitis. However you refer to it, Mondor’s is considerably rare and likely not something you will have to worry about, especially given its benign nature.
Here, we offer a quick explanation of this condition, which will hopefully provide you with plenty of peace of mind to schedule your consultation or surgery.
What are Mondor’s Cords?
Simply put, Mondor’s cords are veins below the surface of the breast that have become inflamed and, as a result, are more visible. These can be seen anywhere on the breast but are typically observed beneath the nipple or along the exterior.

As expected by any kind of inflammation, these cords are painful to the touch, often red and, as the name suggests, look like taut cords under the skin. A proper diagnosis will come from a visit to your primary care physician, who will likely prescribe oral or topical anti-inflammatory medications, along with regular warm compress applications.
The good news is these cords usually resolve on their own, sometimes in a matter of weeks; occasionally, they will linger for months.
Where do Mondor’s Cords Come From?
Like most benign physical ailments, it can be difficult to determine exactly what caused the presentation of Mondor’s cords in the first place. That said, we do know that intense exercise and injury to the breast tissue, which can include breast augmentations, reductions, or reconstructions, are the two top culprits.
You might have heard that wearing tight-fitting bras can also cause Mondor’s disease; however, the research suggests this is exceptionally rare.
It’s important to note that Mondor’s disease does not impact the likelihood of developing breast cancer, nor is it a symptom or form of breast cancer. As always, you should practice monthly self-exams to check for any irregularities or changes in your breast tissue.
Any additional questions or concerns you have about breast health and breast surgery can be addressed by Dr. Sterling during your consultation. Call our office to schedule your visit and rest assured that your health and well-being is our top priority.
Velmer · March 5, 2021 at 6:51 pm
I’m having a small vein under my breast on the right hand at times its painful and after pressing it with warm towel it cools
Allie · June 12, 2021 at 3:40 pm
Thank you for this article. I have researched it a lot because a line appear on my right breast. It’s very sore underneath, and I can feel the vein(s), which travel all the way down my torso. For me, it was caused by digging my guitar into the skin across and under my breasts with poor posture for hours a day. I am still going to the doctor to rule out anything serious, but I am quite certain that this is what happened (29yo, no medical history, direct cause, etc.) My doctor agreed through Telehealth, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Evelyn · August 31, 2022 at 1:45 pm
I believe I have one from an ill fitting 18 hr bra worn while giving deep tissue massages to tight muscled individuals. Noticed slight pain and a long cord on anterolateral right abdominal area the next day. Mild tenderness noted a few days later. Haven’t seen a doc. Thanks for article. Helpful.